Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Imagination!!!! (and other mommy bragging!)

Posted by Lauren at 5:59 PM
It's time for another visit to Aedan's imaginative play! A few examples...

At Michaels shopping with Nonna, Aedan picked out a dragon and promptly said "I like this dragon. Dragons save the princess. I need a princess!"

Yes, Aedan is still convinced that dragons save princesses. He plays "save princess mommy" over and over and over. He "flies" to me, gives me a hug and says "I save princess mommy! I save you! I save the day!" He will hear nothing of knights or princes. DRAGONS save princesses.

Tonight, Aedan spent more than half an hour playing baby fish in the waterfall... basically he draped a blanket over the side of the bed and pretended to be a baby fish falling over the waterfall. Then his mommy fish had to save him and pull him back up. I eventually got tired of this and asked Aedan "Can we play something over than baby fish and the waterfall?" Aedan answered happily, "Yes, Mommy! We play baby fish and the waterfall in the RIVER!"

Aedan has also gotten much more detail oriented in playing with his little people (and Hayden's dollhouse which he loves when he gets the chance!). They "walk" with the traditional little hops, go through doors, and go through daily routines (drive to school, sit in desk, play on playground, drive home, go potty, go to bed). It is incredible!

A few other random brags...

Still singing EVERYTHING! He knows soooo many songs!

Has memorized and will "read" 3 or 4 different books to us (probably more - we just started discovering this. I am hoping to get a video soon, but he is still shy about it!)

Art skills are progressing sooo well! He colored a picture of spiderman last night that was incredible! Spiderman was red (mostly in the lines), the sky was blue, and the buildings were green. Still not on par with Hayden's perfect details, but pretty awesome!

He conquered his fear and finally saw "How to Train your Dragon" - TWICE! He loves it!

He knows Left from Right!!!! Wow! It's incredible! I have 6th graders that struggle with that!!!

He quotes movies right and left. If you say a movie line, he will reply with the next one. I swear between the imagination and role playing and the mad memorization skills, this kid is going to be an actor!!!

He is super sweet and says "thank you," "I love you," "I love it! I love it" (when you give him something he likes), and offers to help sooo often! ("mommy you need_______________?")

Also super sweet, he really misses Daddy when Daddy works and tells us "Daddy has to work while we asleep. Daddy works at hospital. Takes care of sick people. Makes them better." Where does Mommy work? "Mommy works at school. Teaches kids how to pretend! Like Aedan!"

He can show you "happy" "sad" "surprised" "excited" "shy" and "scared" and can be various animals experiencing those emotions. It is ADORABLE.

He just learned to do a somersault today!

He completes puzzles up to 16 pieces without any help and up to 40 pieces with minimal assistance. He is so smart and the reasoning he uses is amazing.

He comes up with the most incredible observations. Yesterday, we rented Alvin and the Chipmunks (the squeakuel) that he loved so much in theatres. Holding the DVD on the way home, Aedan said "It's Alvin, Simon, and Theodore! They're silly because they TALK! Other chipmunks just squeak!"

In the car, he tells me "Be careful! Watch out for that car! Slow down! There's a light! It's RED! Means STOP! (or It's green! Means Go! Or It's yellow! be careful!)

He has finally decided he is a "big boy" instead of a "baby" (a little sad for Mommy!) and is expressing some interest in the potty ("Big boys where pull ups and underwear, go to potty and get prizes!") but isn't quite ready to do it himself. That's next, I hope!



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