Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Eagles, Pooh, Moo-Moo, and More

Posted by Lauren at 5:41 PM
Save the Day

Sitting in high chair and wanting to get out...

Aedan: Help me!

Mommy: Aedan, what would you like us to do?

Aedan: Save the day! Save me!


Aedan: Gah!

Mommy: Gah?

Aedan: Gah! Gah! Like a bald eagle! That's what he says. Gah! Gah!

Moo-Moo Milk

Aedan has been very interested in babies recently. We were talking the other day about tiny babies while we ate ice cream....

Aedan: I a baby!

Mommy: You are a big boy! Or at least a big baby. Tiny babies can't eat ice cream.

Aedan: tiny babies in mommy's tummies?

Mommy: Yes. Teeny tiny babies live in their mommy's tummy until they are big enough to come out and be held.

Aedan: Then eat ice cream?

Mommy: Well, little babies have to eat mommy milk

Aedan: I eat mommy milk?

Mommy: No, baby. Mommy can't make mommy milk anymore. You are not a tiny baby anymore so you drink Moo-Moo cow milk

Aedan: Yes. I drink moo moo milk (then he stops and thinks for a few minutes) I a baby cow???

He then proceeded to pretend to be a cow for a good 20 minutes. A few minutes in, he asked for milk. I gave him the cup and he replied

Aedan: Thank you, Mommy Cow.


We watch at least part of the original Winnie the Pooh movie at least once a day. Aedan is obsessed. His favorite part is the scene with the honey tree and the "rain cloud" and bees. He loves to pretend he is a bee and that the duvet on our bed is a beehive. He climbs under the covers and pretends to make honey. The back of our couch is apparently the honey tree and he "climbs" it several times a day.


Aedan continues to pretend to be all sorts of animals daily... Now, when he is an animal (whatever animal it is...) He is the baby ("I baby kitty cat!) and we are "Mommy Kitty Cat" and "Daddy Kitty Cat." He speaks in whatever tone he thinks that animal should have (usually a squeaky little voice) and we are expected to follow suit!

Dragons and Dinosaurs

Aedan has developed a love/hate relationship with dragons and dinosaurs. On one hand, he claims to be afraid of them (especially dragons; he will randomly hide his eyes and say "I scared! I scared of dragons!") but at the same time, loves to play with both. He is also convinced that dragons save princesses. He loves to pretend to be a dragon and frequently tells us he is going to save a princess (usually HayHay).

Ice Skating, Snowboarding, Etc.

Aedan definitely got into the winter olympic spirit. One morning at Nonna's house, he stood on a little knee pad and exclaimed "I snowboarding!"

The big fascination, though, is figure skating. During the men's short program, Aedan pointed to the TV screen and said "I want to go there! Aedan jump on ice skates! Jump! Jump!" Mommy and Nonna immediately started planning for his Olympic debut in 2030. Later in the week, Aedan begin to dance and "skate" and jump along with the skaters on TV. Daddy, who loves speed skating, asked Aedan if he wanted to skate fast like Ono and Aedan replied "No! Skate like MOMMY! Spin! Spin!" That comment earned him a trip to the ice rink, where he skated in normal figure skates (not double blades) for the first time and mastered 4-6 feet of forward marching! The whole time, though, he kept asking to jump and spin, so we did a lot of Mommy carrying him, spinning him around, and helping him "jump."

Disney World

Apparently there is some drug that Disney puts in all of their food and maybe even the air around the place... We are all already desperate to go back. Aedan has been begging to "go to Disney World!" and (failing that) "watch Disney World movie!" (a sing a long movie that is actually "Disney LAND fun") for several weeks now. Sooo... today we decided that we would replace our fall NY/CT trip with a visit to Disneyland in CA (a first for all of us). When we asked Aedan if he wanted to go to Disneyland, he loudly protested "NO!!!! I not go to DisneyLAND! I go to Disney WORLD!" Hmmm... this may take some explaining... Surely he can't know that DL does not have a Pooh's Playful Spot (my only hesitation for doing the land over the world in the fall if Aedan remains as Pooh obsessed over the next 6 months!)



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