Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Tail, Tail, Tail! (and other odd words)

Posted by Lauren at 7:30 PM
Okay so the "tail" thing is sticking... tonight, waiting to get into the bathtub, Aedan pulls at his diaper and and whines "tail out! tail out!"

He has also (finally!) started saying "train" instead of just "choochoo."

Other odd quirks... He will not say Bunny's name. Most of the time he will start to call her "Zete" (what he calls Zeke) and correct himself and just say "No DOG!"

Weird word... stone. "see Mama, rock. stone. stick." "stone Aedan?" "Stone." Where did he learn that?

He also knows what snow is apparently... again, where on earth did that come from?



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