Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Tail, Tail, Tail! (and other odd words)

Posted by Lauren at 7:30 PM 0 comments
Okay so the "tail" thing is sticking... tonight, waiting to get into the bathtub, Aedan pulls at his diaper and and whines "tail out! tail out!"

He has also (finally!) started saying "train" instead of just "choochoo."

Other odd quirks... He will not say Bunny's name. Most of the time he will start to call her "Zete" (what he calls Zeke) and correct himself and just say "No DOG!"

Weird word... stone. "see Mama, rock. stone. stick." "stone Aedan?" "Stone." Where did he learn that?

He also knows what snow is apparently... again, where on earth did that come from?

Tuesday, September 29, 2009


Posted by Lauren at 10:56 AM 1 comments
Yet another story I'm sure my son will LOVE reading about in 15 years... Just remember, Aedan, your dad carried around a doll for 3 years and is plenty masculine (and a great dad too)

Aedan LOVES butterflies. They have a butterfly garden at school and he will stand and watch them with a big grin. We have had a lot around the parks and houses this summer too. Almost every time he sees one, Aedan cries out "bu-fly! fly! fly bu-fly! fly in sky!" and then procedes to flap his own "wings" and run around "flying" himself.

Well, this morning at Nonna's house, I was hugging him goodbye when Aedan spotted a little glittery snow globe with a butterfly inside on Nonna's dresser. "Bu-fly! Hold bu-fly!" So we let him hold the snowglobe, which he proceeded to hug close to his chest grinning, "Hug! Hug Bu-fly!" in the sweetest, most loving tone he usually reserves for Meow Meow.

It was the sweetest thing... I am thinking I may have to find my old beanie baby butterfly for him!

Monday, September 28, 2009

Baby's First Rehearsal

Posted by Lauren at 4:55 PM 0 comments
Aedan came to rehearsal with me for the first time today! He was soooo good! We were doing a run through of Midsummer and he played choochoos on the floor (heard him say "train" multiple times which is new!) on his new mat from his great Aunts and chased a balloon around the classroom. The whole time he was there, I only had to stop and pay attention to him once! Otherwise, he entertained himself and/or played with my kids that were off stage.

Sunday, September 27, 2009

Mmmm.. Treat!

Posted by Lauren at 7:19 AM 1 comments
Aedan has a new "treat"... Matt gave him a whole apple yesterday and Aedan thinks it is so exciting to be able to eat it like that! We have to take a couple of bites to get him started but then he muches on it all by himself! It is adorable to watch him attacking it!

Saturday, September 26, 2009

"Hold ME!"

Posted by Lauren at 2:18 PM 1 comments
Okay... Short post for today, but just wanted to share my munchkin's adorable new habit. Extremely frequently in the past couple of days, he comes up to me, holds up his little arms and says "hold me. need hold me. meeeese...." today he also asked "sit [with] me Mama." Impossible to resist!!!!

Friday, September 25, 2009

I really stink at this....

Posted by Lauren at 9:14 AM 0 comments
But I should try a lot harder... I really do want a record of all his cute little quirks!!!!Sooo... My new (school) year's resolution is to blog daily... Today I am going to start with as many recent anecdotes I can remember...

First of all, Aedan now has a big boy bed - yay Aedan!!!! It took it being shaped like a racecar, but at longlast there is a sleeping space he is not afraid to occupy on his own... he's still not crazy about the idea, however. The other night when I asked him whether he wanted to sleep in his bed or mama's bed he thought for a minute and replied "Mama sleep vroom vroom bed." Nice try, kiddo!

This morning, Nonna texted me with an adorable story... Aedan pointed to a picture of an alligator (specifically the tail) and said "snap snap tail!" Immediately, he then patted his own butt and said "baby tail!"

Aedan still refuses to say his own name... You ask "is your name Aedan?" and he replies "" He also insists he is NOT a "big boy" but will now tell you he is a "big baby."

Driving home with Daddy the other day, he began to cry. Matt turned around and asked what the matter was. Aedan had spilt his juice. His reply to Matt? "Baby sad. Baby all wet!"

Aedan LOVES Aristocats. Disney does not make any merchandise featuring Thomas, Berliose, or Toulous. Consequently, Aedan carries around a Marie stuffed "white meow meow." He sleeps with it, tries to feed it, and takes it to the grocery store. On a recent trip, it was sprinkling on the way in and Marie got a little wet. Aedan kept a running monologue through the first half of the trip "Oh no! Meow Meow all wet. Dry Dry Meow Meow!" He was not remotely concerned that he was a bit wet as well.

Twice in the past month, Aedan has asked to put on a tutu.. it is the cutest thing in the entire world!!!! He somehow knows they are for dancing and he prances around and "twirl twirl"s

Not as much a funny anecdote as just Mommy bragging, but Aedan knows 20 out of 26 letters and 3-4 numbers as well. We are starting to play with three letter words... he LOVES Boggle Jr. and will sit and play with it by himself, reading all the letters off the little cubes and matching them up with the picture/word cards.

Just because it is so darn cute... here is messy Aedan (Daddy gave him m&m ice cream!)

Recently, Aedan tripped and fell while running across his room. Before I could say anything, he jumped up and said "baby alright Mama. Baby's o-tay!"

Last week, I was sick... Aedan continually came up and said "Mama alright? Mama sad?" I finally taught him "sick" so when he was running fever later in the week he curled up in my arms and said "Baby sad. Baby sick."

He is already learning how to get what he wants... the other day "Mama, where [did the] cookies go?" Me: "Aedan, you don't need any more cookies." Aedan: "Dada, where cookies go?"

We already have a little actor on our hands. When watching Lion King, Aedan does all of Simba's parts "Come on! " "Dad? Dad, where are you?" He has also started calling Matt "Dad" half the time - we totally blame the movie.

I guess that's all for now... Will try to keep remembering these and will post new ones!

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