Sunday, January 4, 2009

At 18 Months...

Posted by Lauren at 6:41 PM
Aedan is such a great little man... He loves cars and trains and is constantly running around with a "vroom vroom" as he says. He got a ride-on car that we can push him in for Christmas and will push it to the front door and then look at me and say "vroom vroom ride OUTSIDE."

He is also very into "pretend" play. He loves to "cook" in his new kitchen and feed us all of his creations. He has several baby dolls that he loves to hug or push in his shopping cart. One has a pacifier that Aedan will put in its mouth and say "baby night-night" as he pats its tummy or head.

He loves to read and especially likes "Where is Spot?" (my favorite at his age too!) which he will bring to us while asking "Where is he?" He is still a master at animal sounds and can do an elephant, duck, horse, cat, bird, chicken, cow, goat, sheep, snake, lion, bear... and probably more I am forgetting here. The sheep is new and he will bring us his farm books to find the "baabaa" plus loves his "baa baa black sheep" book. He also loves to pretend he is an elephant by walking slowly and making his arm a trunk while making his elephant sound "aroo!" He got to ride an elephant at the Rennaissance Festival this year and while he was totally solemn during the process he is so proud of himself when we watch the video.

Aedan's favorite foods are mandarin oranges (he will eat an entire HUGE can in one sitting), cheese, yogurt, chocolate, and ice... Nonna got him hooked on the crushed ice she is always munching and now he will run around asking for "ice! iiiiice?" so we taught him to add "baby" to the end and sing "da da da da da da dum" so now we have a little Vanilla Ice rapper baby. I just hope he doesn't destroy the few teeth he has (still only 4!) He also has definitely developed a sweet tooth... he knows Grammie usually keeps sweets by her chair and when we visit he will run up to her and ask for "snack" while signing "more please." I hate him having candy, but I know how much it means to her to be able to hold him for a few minutes (usually he is just too busy to slow down to be held!)

We are getting ready to move right now and I am pulling out all of his baby things to pack and/or sell. He has gotten so excited playing with so many of the toys he is really too big for - it's adorable! It has also been so nostalgic for me - these first few years just fly!!!



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