Monday, October 26, 2009

Pirates and Mickeys and Clowns - Oh My!

Posted by Lauren at 11:09 AM 0 comments
Aedan is really getting into dressing up this Halloween. Last week, we let him try on my old clown costume that Aunt Sandy made when I was 3. He was so proud of himself and ended up wearing the costume to school because he cried when Nonna tried to take it off!

We also ordered him a pirate costume to wear to the Renaissance Festival. When I showed it to him he grinned and said "Arggg!" I had no idea he even knew what a pirate was!!!!

Finally, he has a Mickey Mouse costume to match Hayden's Minnie Mouse. We let them wear them this past weekend to go to the aquarium (we started out heading to zoo boo but it was too crazy!). Aedan's favorite part of the costume? The gloves that give him "Mi-Mi hands!" He even got upset when I made him take them off to eat!

I also won him a cat costume on e-bay since all month long he has told me he wants to be "mi-mi and meow-meow." It has not come in yet so I am just hoping it gets here by Thursday for him to wear to school! You would not believe how hard it is to find a boy-ish cat costume in 2-3T!!!! In other cat-related news, Aedan is now saying cat instead of "meow-meow" about 1/4 of the time.... or rather he says "titty tat!"

Costume pics to come soon!

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Cute Stories and Cute Pictures!

Posted by Lauren at 9:01 AM 0 comments

Aedan (and this blog, lol!) is really missing Mommy while I am finishing up work on Midsummer Night's Dream at school... the past two nights, he has refused to let Daddy put him to bed or even be in the same room while he goes to sleep. He gives Matt a hug and then says "Bye Bye Dada. Dada OUT!" while pushing at him to leave the bed! Then he clings to me like a life-line - "My Mama. Mama hold..."

Last night, we were having our frequent "Baby" vs "Aedan" debate. I asked him if he wanted us all to call him "Baby" and he smiled and very enthusiastically said "Yeah! BABY!" I laughed and said "Awww... but I like AEDAN!" he gave me a hug and said "Yeah. I like Mama! And I like Dada!" It was soooo cute! Definitely the closest he comes to saying "I love you" at this point and one of his longest speeches ever!

Nonna texted me this morning to tell me that he answered a question for the first time in chapel (apparently Noah put MeowMeows in his ark) and was singing and doing hand motions too! I am getting a little dissapointed that we won't be here for the school's Christmas program this year (we will be in Disney).

Speaking of school - school pictures got here last week! Enjoy!

Thursday, October 8, 2009


Posted by Lauren at 6:50 PM 0 comments
Story from Nonna earlier this week...

"I asked Aedan if he wanted to go to Petco with me. He said "yah", JUMPED up and came over to me... and "petted" me on the head, saying, "pet Nonna"!"

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