Thursday, October 23, 2008

In just one year...

Posted by Lauren at 11:21 AM 0 comments
We went to the pumpkin patch a couple of weeks ago and I am really getting caught up now thinking about how much has changed in just a year... Here is Aedan last year at the pumpkin patch - crying because I tried to lie him on a pumpkin by himself...

And here he is this year (no big smile since he was 1/2 asleep!) :

My baby is growing up so fast!!!! He's still bald and chubby and sweet, but other than that, he has changed soooo much!!! I love seeing all the changes, but I just wish I could slow it down a little - it seems like yesterday that he was that tiny crying baby!!!

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

More Words... :-)

Posted by Lauren at 8:36 AM 0 comments
We are talking more and more around here! Aedan now says (reasonably clearly):
Mama (also "my mama")
ChooChoo (doodoo)
Ball (ba)
Shoe (doo)
Night-Night (ni-ni) (meaning pacifier!)
Banana (na-nana)
Snack (nak)
Cup (up)
Read (ee?)
Roo (elephant sound done while raising his arm like a trunk)
Rar (lion sound)
Mmmm Mmmm (monkey sound, done while bouncing like a monkey)
kitty (ki)
tee (TV)

He also occasionally says:
nay (horsey sound)
ooo (moo-cow sound)
u-u (buck buck - chicken sound)
uf uf or ow ow (dog sound)
bebe (baby)

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