Sunday, September 28, 2008

Hugs and Kisses

Posted by Lauren at 2:03 PM 0 comments
The past week or so, we have had a VERY affectionate little one on our hands. He gives big hugs (he'll run up to you just to hug you!) and huge, slobbery, open-mouthed kisses!

The past couple of days, he has started kissing EVERYTHING special... first it was the animals, and this afternoon it was the pictures in his books... He knows he's being silly and giggles the whole time, too!

Animal Play, School Days, and More

Posted by Lauren at 11:38 AM 0 comments
We are finally back home after two weeks without power due to Hurricane Ike. Aedan's favorite part of being back is playing with his animals again! He will carry around a toy for Pixel or Angel as they follow him (running!) around the room, giggling the whole time! He is also learning to pet nicely, throw a toy for Angel and hold toys for Pix to bat at.... Soooooo cute!

Aedan is also finally back at school. I picked him up early the other day so that I could take him to his doctor appointment and his teachers were so sweet about him, calling him their "model student!" After we were so worried about him napping (he lays down on his mat and goes to sleep all by himself!) and being left (recently he doesn't even cry when Nonna leaves!), this is just such a releif! I'm also really excited that this year he gets art time, outside time, and books read at school - he has even asked Ms. Teri to read to him! He looked so cute and tiny sitting with his class at their little table for lunch. He is the youngest in the class and you can definitely tell!!!

Speaking of the doctor appointment, we LOVE our new pediatrician! Aedan's doctor since birth, Audrey Tamm, just took a position at a hospital as a pediatric hospitalist, so we switched to another doctor in the practice, Joseph Edralin. Dr. Edralin came in and sat down on the floor to play with Aedan immediately and actually did all of his examination down there! He was also really sensitive to our concerns about vaccinations, and very knowledgeable and thoughtful about the issue! We're soooo excited since we were really worried about losing our sweetheart pediatrician, Dr. Tamm!

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Mommy's Little Monkey

Posted by Lauren at 6:51 AM 0 comments
Talking has finally, finally "clicked"!

Though "Mama" is still really rare and often mixed up with "Nana" ("Dada" and "Gaga" are pretty much interchangeable too!) - I am finally hearing it.

His favorite word remains "snack" but "cup" is coming in a close (and convenient!) second... We know where his priorities are in any case! He is so funny saying "cup" - it's really "up" (without the "c") and then he sticks his little lower lip out as if that's a required part of the word!

Aedan also says "night-night" ("nae-nae") which really means "pacifier"...), "kitty-cat," ("ki-ca") "banana" ("na-na!" - his favorite snack), "read," ("ee") "uh-uh" (for "uh oh"), and "no." He still signs very well for "no" (shaking his head), "more" (ASL - putting hands together), "come on" ((he uses his whole arm to gesture and nods his head that direction!) and "please" (ASL - rubbing chest).

The favorite new trick, however, is animal sounds. When he's in the right mood, we have heard a sheep, a rooster, a chicken, a dog, an owl, a bird, and a duck. However, we CONSTANTLY have either a little monkey or a kitty cat along with us. It is utterly adorable!!! He loves to look at pictures or videos of monkeys or kitties too and will go to the computer or his books and ask for them by pointing and repeating the sound! Soooo cute!!!!

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