Sunday, August 31, 2008


Posted by Lauren at 12:19 PM 0 comments
I honestly think we need some sort of super-power as parents that let's us freeze time in the world around us when we are sick.

I have a cold. (And no, the irony of the fact that I have a "cold" in 90 degree weather is not lost on me.) It is not life threatening or incapacitating. I'm not staying home from work or calling the doctor. However, chasing after a 14 month old and constantly providing new and exciting activities as well as cleaning up after the same feels like cruel and unusual punishment right now. I just want to be able to curl up on the couch, watch tv, and eat some Jello. Doing that right now would mean having a five pound cat, a ten pound dog and a twenty-four pound monkey all climbing on or around me crying for bites of Jello. All of course, to the tantalizing musical interludes of Backyardigans....

Technically, I could ship off the monkey at least to his grandparents, but then of course I would worry if he was happy or not, missing me or not, etc. plus, I would miss out on one of my few free days with him... Thus, my original comment about needing to freeze the world around me, indulge my selfish sicko desires, and come back when I am feeling better.

Honestly, the freezing power could be used for so much as a parent... time to clean, cook, go to school, work, or party without missing a beat... hmmm - somebody get on that, please?

Saturday, August 16, 2008

Welcome to McCarthy Baby Dayze!

Posted by Lauren at 6:11 PM 0 comments
Hello blogging world! Welcome to our little corner of the earth - cluttered with toys, books, animal cookies, diapers, and lots of love!

We are a young family in The Woodlands, TX just trying to survive and thrive amidst the challenges of work, school, parenting, family, friends, and life in general.

We're nothing too unique or special, but we'll gladly share all of our d
aily highs and lows as well as those special moments that make it all worthwhile.

Just to introduce the main players in our daily drama...

AEDAN is our beautiful baby boy. He is into everything right now. He loves to run, climb, dance, and generally make you dizzy with sheer energy. A few of Aedan's favorite things? Animals, food, his Mommy and Daddy, books, noise-makers (especially his keyboard), balls (or anything else he can kick across the room), and -of course - anything he can climb on or in.

MATT is Aedan's proud and very loved Daddy. He is an EMT, a telemetry monitor, and a nursing student, but still finds time to be a great dad. Right now, Matt has only one day every other week off, so family time is scarce, but well-used! Matt also runs several successful web forums and his own blog and enjoys photography and gaming in what little spare time he has.

And then there's me... Mommy, theater arts teacher, and your new blog host... Not too much exciting here! I am in my LAST year of full-time teaching (only until Matt graduates) and basically can't wait to be a stay at home mom. I love taking Aedan to Mommy and Me classes and play dates and run an evening playgroup for busy moms called the "fireflies."


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